
Jeremy Irons goes to jail...but not in irons

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As if they haven’t suffered enough, the inmates of Wormwood Scrubs are about to receive a visit from arch luvvie Jeremy Irons.

Unlike its last high-profile guest - rock star Pete Doherty, who served 29 days of a 14-week drug-related sentence - the Lolita star will be there entirely voluntarily.

Irons is among 200 guests who have paid £35 each to see a performance of poetry and music by a dozen of the inmates, after which he will be the master of ceremonies at an auction to raise money for the Phoenix Trust, which provides yoga classes throughout prisons in Britain.

Says organiser Sandy Chubb: “Yoga and meditation have been proven conclusively to reduce criminal behaviour.

“We are also launching a new yoga book for prisoners during the evening - it contains only pictures because it’s for prisoners who can’t read.”



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