Guest Picks from The Leonard Lopate Show at WNYC.ORG
From religion professors to stand-up comedians, and from influential political figures to celebrated authors, The Leonard Lopate Show talks to the people that shape our culture. We decided to ask some of our guests about the books, films, and music that move them...
Jeremy Irons
What have you read or seen recently (book, play, film, etc.) that moved or surprised you?
Mary Stuart at the Broadhurst Theatre
Reading Love Child by Allegra Huston. Extraordinarily good.
What are you listening to right now?
8,000 tracks on my Ipod shuffle.
What’s the last great book you read?
A Strange Eventful History – Michael Holroyd.
(the lives of Henry Irving & Ellen Terry & their offspring)
What’s one thing you are a fan of that people might not expect?
People who listen.