JeremyIrons.Org Stage & Theatre Banner Contest
Create a Stage & Theatre banner for JeremyIrons.Org and your banner will be featured on our web site! You will also receive prizes!
Contest Details:
Rules: This is simple, just design a banner for the Stage & Theatre page in the following size ( 1423 x 125 pixels ), save the banner as a .jpg file and send the banner to Wendy! Type "JeremyIrons.Org Banner Contest" in the subject line. You may send a maximum of three entries during this contest.
Start date / ending date: The banner contest begins today, November 19, 2009! We will no longer accept entries after December 19, 2009. This gives you one month to work on your designs!
Voting: How will the winner be determined? There will be one winner for this contest! We will use a voting poll to choose the winner for this contest, just as we did for the previous banner contest. It's far too difficult for us to choose on our own and we feel that the fans should be involved in the voting process! So please help us by voting as many times as you wish for your favorite banner!
Prizes: What will you win? Your banner will be featured on the Stage & Theatre page of JeremyIrons.Org for an undetermined length of time and you will also win a Scar puzzle and a JeremyIrons.Org baseball cap.
Best of luck to everyone joining the contest and have fun with it! Email your entries here!
Write to us here!
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